Multiple Effects From a Hand Painted Roving
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Using basic spinning skills, students will explore some of the effects possible from one handpainted roving. A color-theory and fiber-content discussion will help students evaluate handpainted rovings and their potential for various techniques. With different predraft preparation and different drafts, students will create multicolored single and two-ply yarns, and also a number of different yarns, including various two-ply combinations, Navajo plied self-striping yarn, fractal spinning techniques, and completely different colored yarns from the same roving. Each student receives a handpainted roving included in the class fee.
Yarn Track
Students should be able to comfortably spin and ply yarn.
Required Kit Cost:
$25.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
Required kit includes roving to use in class and 4 oz roving to take home.
Supplies Students Must Bring
Students should bring a spinning wheel and 3 bobbins.
No homework required.
Skill Level
Optional Kit Contents
No optional kit.
Optional Kit Cost
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost