Learn how to fix the most-common knitting mistakes that face advanced beginners. Students in this class will knit a small swatch with mistakes knitted in. Then the class will work together following a written instruction sheet to address each type of problem: tinking back; frogging back; changing purls to knits; changing knits to purls; dropping down and laddering back up stitches; removing extra YO’s; picking up stitches 4 rows down; and more.
Students should bring a circular needle several sizes smaller than the swatch size (US 1 or 2 or 3); tapestry needle; extra piece of scrap yarn 20" long; crochet hook (about a 5mm or H); Optional: Susan Bates Handitool (crochet hook on one end of metal 4" with sharp tip at the other); a Fix-a-stitch tool (crochet hook at both ends of a pink plastic tool 4" long). If you own these, bring them. If not, not necessary to purchase before class.