Flick It and Spin It (From the Fold)
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
We have all had that fleece we really wanted to buy, but didn’t want to get bogged down in a lengthy prep process with countless steps and lots of maybes and unknowns. In this workshop students will be able to use just two skills to turn a raw fleece into a hand spun yarn. Students will leave this workshop ready to take the plunge the next time they see that fleece too good to walk away from.
Yarn Track
Students should have a good working relationship with their wheel and be capable of spinning a consistent single.
Required Kit Cost:
$15.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
Required kit includes fiber for class use.
Supplies Students Must Bring
Students should bring spinning wheel, Flicker (or slicker) brush, Niddy Noddy, Lazy Kate and three (3) empty bobbins.
No homework required.
Skill Level
All Levels
Optional Kit Contents
No optional kit.
Optional Kit Cost
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost