Angora: Journey Down the Rabbit Hole
Date & Time
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
In this workshop participants will be invited to go down the proverbial rabbit hole and learn about angora fiber and the rabbits that grow it. Students will be able to meet living representatives and learn about their care. They will also be able to evaluate examples of angora fiber and determine the best use for each grade of wool. Students will be able to observe or participate in a guided spinning exercise; spinning from the cloud and a selection of carded and combed wool.
Yarn Track
Students should have a good working relationship with their wheel and be capable of spinning a consistent single.
Required Kit Cost:
$25.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
Required kit includes Angora fiber (cloud, carded and blended).
Supplies Students Must Bring
If students want to participate in the spinning portion of the class, they are encouraged to bring a spinning wheel, spindle or espinner
No homework required.
Skill Level
All Levels
Optional Kit Contents
No optional kit.
Optional Kit Cost
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost