Intro to Spinning: Spindles and Wheels
Date & Time
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM



This class is devoted to adjusting and understanding your wheel and preparing it to spin cotton. Then, participants with learn how to card cotton, make punis, and spin using a long draw. Participants will learn how to spin sliver, spin directly from the cotton seed, and prepare uncarded lint and spin the result.

Yarn Track
Required Kit Cost:
$20.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
Required kit includes top-whorl drop spindle and fiber for class use.
Supplies Students Must Bring

If students have a spinning wheel they can bring their wheel, however it is not required.

No homework required.
Skill Level
Optional Kit Contents
Optional kit includes Turkish Spindle.
Optional Kit Cost
$30.00 payable to the instructor.
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost