Say It in Crochet or Knitting - Learning to Make Your Own Graphgans/Charts
Date & Time
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Have you ever wanted to make your own graphs/charts so you can personalize your knit or crochet makes? In this workshop I will show you tips and tricks to make your own graphs. We will learn what free software is available and how to track it digitally, so you can access it for yourself or share it to others for years to come.
Yarn Track
Students must know how to single crochet and/or do the stockinette stitch.
Required Kit Cost:
Required Kit Contents:
No required kit.
Supplies Students Must Bring
Students should bring two contrasting colors preferrably weight 4 yarn. Recommend crochet hook or knitting needles according to weight yarn being brought. Scissors and tapestry needle. Laptop or tablet that can be used to create digital charts. Pencil and notepad to sketch.
No homework required.
Skill Level
Optional Kit Contents
No optional kit.
Optional Kit Cost
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost