Needle Felt a Dragon Hatchling
Date & Time
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM


Have you seen the dragons of Going Gnome? Well they all started off as hatchlings. Now you can join Jennifer and Melissa and make your own dragon hatchling. This fun workshop will challenge and excite new and experienced felters alike. This workshop begins with making a simple egg shape, and then designing your own dragon hatchling peeking out of it. A wonderful workshop for exploring shape, design, and color. Each participant will finish a 5” dragon egg, with a baby dragon peeking out of it.

Yarn Track
Required Kit Cost:
$30.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
Required kit includes all the wool needed to complete the project, a foam felting pad, and 2 felting needles.
Supplies Students Must Bring


No homework required.
Skill Level
All Levels
Optional Kit Contents
No optional kit.
Optional Kit Cost
Pattern URL/Details
No pattern purchase required.
Pattern Cost