Sensational Socks - Bottom-Up, Knit as You Go
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


In this workshop, participants will learn the fundamental techniques needed to knit miniature socks, which serve as an excellent foundation for understanding sock construction in larger projects. Key techniques covered will include Judy's Magic Cast On, a popular method for starting seamless toe-up socks; the Afterthought Heel, which allows for easy heel placement and knitting; and the Kitchener Stitch, a seamless way to graft live stitches together. This class will guide you through each step, ensuring you understand how to apply these techniques to both mini prototypes and full-sized socks.

Yarn Track
Students must know the basics of knitting: cast-on, bind-off, knit and purl stitches, simple increases and decreases.
Required Kit Cost:
Required Kit Contents:
No required kit.
Supplies Students Must Bring

DK-weight yarn, at least 10g each of two colors, Circular or double pointed knitting needles in a size appropriate for the yarn, 5 locking stitch markers.
Note that the instructor will be using the Magic Loop method of knitting small circumferences in the round, but students who prefer double pointed needles are welcome to use them.

No homework required. Prior to the workshop, participants should familiarize themselves with the basic stitches and practice using circular needles or DPNs if they are not yet comfortable with these tools.
Skill Level