Put a Ring on It
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

In this all-day class, learn how to size and fabricate a ring band, design a backplate and set a stone in sterling silver while learning various jewelry-making techniques including sawing, soldering, piercing, drilling, stamping, rollprinting and texturing metal. This is a fast-tracked class will teach you how to properly use the necessary jewelry tools needed for stone-setting and give you a push-start on your metalsmithing journey. Instructor will demo adding an array of embellishments with additional soldering techniques.

Bead & Jewelry Track
Previous experience in soldering and metalworking is helpful.
Required Kit Cost:
$85.00 payable to the instructor.
Required Kit Contents:
All sterling silver sheet metal and wire, fine silver bezel wire, gemstone, polishing papers, solder, saw blades, texture papers, and consumables.
Supplies Students Must Bring

Portable bench pin, plastic or rawhide mallet, jewelers saw, wire cutters, 1/2 round pliers, flat nose pliers, round pliers, chain nose pliers, #2 file, saw blade lubricant, bezel roller, bezel rocker or pusher, ring clamp, ruler, fine tip sharpie, sketch book. Instructor will have some tools to share.

Skill Level