Double Pattern Double Knitting
Date & Time
Saturday, August 3, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

If you are ready to take your Double Knitting skills to the next level, try Double Pattern Double Knit. It's just as it sounds, using the technique of double knitting to create a different pattern on each side of the fabric. First, we will make a swatch that I have charted for you. Then (time permitting), I'll show you how easy it is to create your own.

Yarn Track
Students should have some experience with double knitting.
Supplies Students Must Bring

2 contrasting colors of worsted weight yarn, about 25 yards each. Knitting needles US size 7 or 8. I like to use 8-inch double pointed needles for these small samples but straight or circular needles will also work. Scissors, highlighter tape (or some other way to track chart rows), note taking materials if desired.

Skill Level